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Beyond Anatomy

When we think about sex-ed we often autopilot to “penis + vagina” or flash back to awkward health class moments. We remember staring at an anatomy drawing that resembled a road-map more than a human body, desperately trying to memorize the landmarks.

Don’t get me wrong, that road map has its place (and let’s face it, some landmarks have become undoubtedly more important than others.)

But the thing is - that’s anatomy, not sex-ed.

Sex education goes far beyond the mechanics of baby-making. It's about understanding the combination of our body, our feelings, and our relationships.

From infancy, our perception of the world, how we fit into it and where, is shaped by our environment. Even the way we view our own bodies and sexuality is deeply rooted - tracing back to early childhood, long beyond health class.

Therefore, when it comes to discussing this with our kids, keeping the conversations open and shame-free is not just important, it's the healthiest and only way to approach them, imho.

We need to be talking about love, respect, consent, and the importance of communication alongside all the intricacies of anatomy. And we need to do it with candor and levity - because sex education can be both awkward and fun, and should be a natural part of growing up.

Now, unless your child is literally still attached to another human (and even then, it’s a good idea), it's time to begin fostering a shame free environment and safe space where open dialogue and questions are encouraged and curiosity is celebrated - because your kid deserves better than what many of us got, which, let's be honest, was more like anatomy-ed than actual sex education.

Here's to raising a generation that's informed, confident, and comfortable in their own skin - and cheers to a world where sex ed is a breeze, not a maze!

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