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Becoming Your Child's sExpert

Ultimately this is the goal.

Talking about bodies and sex and all the nitty gritties that are attached is important - but the biggest impact will be made by becoming their "go-to" for information; their sex expert; their sexpert. Your influence will be strongest when the relationship between you and your child is one of honesty, respect and openness (btw, this is true for pretty much anything).

The best way to establish that relationship?

Get. In. There. First.

Be the first one to tell them that some people have a vulva and others have a penis.

Be the first one to clarify what french kissing is and that it can't get anyone pregnant.

And (sorry about this one) be the first person they hear the words "blow job" from, followed by a quick (and honest) explanation.

- To be clear - vulvas/penises, french kissing and blow job conversations are all done at drastically different stages. Take a deep breath.

When your child realizes that you already know all the things, you've already created a safe, shame-free environment for candid conversations and you've already proven that your information is truthful (no matter how awkward), they'll be much more likely to bring their questions and concerns to you, their sexpert.

Then you do the happy dance.

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